Volunteers are vital members of the Georgia Mountains Hospice Team, who help families handle illness, loss and grief. In fact, many times those who have experienced grief and the loss of a loved one become some of the most effective volunteers. Volunteering can truly make a difference in someone’s life as well as offer great rewards for the volunteer.
Training orientation is offered on the first Tuesday of every other month. Just bring a caring heart and willingness to serve.
Direct Patient Care
- Sitting with patients
- Reading or singing to patients
- Grocery shopping or running errands
- Hair styling
- Writing letters or mailing cards
Bereavement Support
- Making phone calls to grieving families
- Writing letters to families
- Sending care packages
- Filing
- Copying
- Answering phones
Special Needs
- Blanket drives
- Party set-up
- Speaking engagements
- Health fairs
Internships Coordinated with Local Colleges and Universities
- Social work
- Medical assistant
- Specific trade programs
Interested in Volunteering? Please Fill Out This Online Form.
As a volunteer, I realize that I am subject to a code of ethics similar to that which binds the professional in the field in which I work. I, like them, assume certain responsibilities and expect to account for what I do in terms of what is expected of me.
I understand that any information that is disclosed to me while assisting the Hospice is confidential.
I interpret “volunteer” to mean that I have agreed to work without compensation in money. Having been accepted as a volunteer worker, I expect to do my work according to the standards set forth in the Volunteer Policies and Procedures.
I hereby certify that the statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that, by submitting this application I authorize inquiries to be made concerning my employment, character and public records for the purpose of determining my suitability as a volunteer. I affirm that I have read the volunteer Code of Ethics and agree to abide by its regulations. I agree to respect the confidentiality of any client information I acquire in the course of my volunteer activities with Hospice.